
The children are offered a range of extra-curricular activities throughout the year including Netball, Football, Tag Rugby, Basketball, Multi Sports, Cheerleading, Street Dance, Art, Drama and Irish Dancing.

Two local, external providers offer After School Club starting at 3.15pm until 6.00p.m. which are located offsite.  Please contact the School Office for further information.

 2018/2019 Before school Lunch Time After School
Monday Breakfast Club starting at 8.00a.m. Drama Musical TheatreSports Leaders KS1 Multi-skills Club KS2 Football Club
Karate Club
Tuesday Breakfast Club starting at 8.00a.m Multi-SportsSports Leaders KS2 Netball Club Gymnastics Club
Wednesday Breakfast Club starting at 8.00a.m Multi-skillsSports Leaders Gymnastics Club
Netball Club
Thursday Breakfast Club starting at 8.00a.m    Cheerleading starting at 8.00a.m Key Stage 2 Football Club      Basketball  FS, KS1 & Year 3 Football Club
Friday Breakfast Club starting at 8.00a.m Multi-SportsSports Leaders Key Stage 2 Football Club Art Club

Please contact the school office for more information.